Our Associations
Our Associations
As an active member of our industry, Blue Badge Insurance is proud to work with the following organisations:
Assistive Technology Suppliers Australasia
Blue Badge Insurance has proudly been a Member of ATSA since 2013. ATSA is the leading industry body representing the views and aspirations of assistive technology suppliers across Australasia.
Independent Living Centres Australia
Independent Living Centres Australia (ILCA) is a collective network with member ILC’s from each Australian state and the ACT. Its vision is to be recognised as the leading, collective, impartial voice for Assistive Technology.
Independent Living Centre NSW
Independent Living Centre NSW is a leading information, education, and advisory centre for Assistive Technology and the Built Environment. Its purpose is to provide impartial advice, information and leadership on assistive technology that builds possibilities for choice.
Parkinson’s NSW
Blue Badge Insurance is proudly a partner of Parkinson’s NSW. Parkinson’s NSW provides a wide range of information and advice to those living with Parkinson’s disease and to their friends and family through education, support groups and its info line.
Physical Disability Council of NSW (PDCN)
Blue Badge Insurance is proudly a member and partner of PDCN. PDCN assists people with a physical disability to live ordinary lives as contributing members of the community by providing opportunities for individuals to gain the information, knowledge and skills necessary to manage their own lives.