
Companion Cards: Your 101 Guide

A woman in a wheelchair expressing excitement at an outdoor event surrounded by standing spectators, showing off her companion card application.

Many of us need a carer or companion when we’re going to an event, venue or concert. This means two admission tickets, which is expensive and may stop you from going out. One way Australia is trying to make this easier financially is with its Companion Card program.

With a Companion Card, your carer gets in free at certain venues and events. Sounds good? In this article, we go through how it works, who qualifies, and how to apply. Whether you’re considering applying for one yourself or seeking info for someone you care about, this article will provide you practical steps to apply across different Australian states.

Person in a wheelchair with a companion card attending an outdoor festival with other spectators in the background.

What is a Companion Card?

It’s a card given to people living with a significant and permanent disability who need attendant care support from a companion to take part in community activities and go to venues.

The card lets you buy a ticket or pay an entry fee to an event or venue and get a second ticket for your companion at no extra charge. The aim is to ease the financial burden of going to concerts or events when you have a disability.

When was it started?

The program began in Victoria in 2003 to address concerns from people living with disability about the fairness of ticket pricing at entertainment and recreational venues.

With the card you don’t need to buy a ticket for your companion, making it more affordable to access various venues and events. This initiative supports the rights of people living with disability to participate in community life and assists carers financially and in advocacy efforts.

Who can use it?

The Companion Card isn’t for use by the general public but specifically for those who meet the eligibility criteria, which usually includes an assessment of the person’s need for care and support in spaces outside the home.

The card is typically issued by government or non-profit organisations responsible for disability support services and is recognised by a wide range of businesses and organisations across the sector it’s offered.

How to get a Companion Card

Here’s the Companion Card application process:

#1 Apply according to your state

Depending on where you live, you can either download a Companion Card application form online or go to a government services centre to get a form. Here are the respective websites for each state:

#3 Provide proof of your disability

Along with your Companion Card application form, you’ll have to provide proof of your disability as well as two colour headshot photos of you against a plain background.

You’ll need to take the form and photos to your health professional or service provider to complete. They’ll need to:

  • verify your details
  • provide a written statement confirming your lifelong need for significant attendant care support
  • sign the back of your photos

#4 Send your application

Depending on your state, you can either mail your companion card application or take it to your local government services centre.

#5 Wait for a response

The team behind the Companion Card will review your application and decide. If approved, you’ll get your card in the mail. Now you can use it whenever you go to places that accept the companion card.

If your application isn’t successful, you can request a review of the decision.

Where to use a Companion Card

In Australia, you can use your Companion Card at many places. These include:

  • Movie theatres
  • Zoos and parks
  • Museums and galleries
  • Sporting events
  • Concerts and festivals
  • Public transport in some areas

Many places that charge entry fees or tickets might accept it. Always check ahead or look for the Companion Card logo at the venue. Also, some states might have extra places where you can use it, so it’s a good idea to look up specific spots in your state or ask the venue if they accept it.

A man walks a dog alongside a companion with a motorized wheelchair on a tree-lined park pathway.

Does the Companion Card expire?

Yes, it does have an expiry date – typically after five years. The validity period varies, so be sure to check your card for the exact expiry date and the renewal process in your state or territory.

You’ll typically get a letter before the card’s expiry date telling you how to renew your card. During this process, you’ll need to confirm that you still need the card and provide new photographs.

Insurance for your independence

Is your converted car or wheelchair accessible car insured? What about your wheelchair or mobility scooter?

Because if it isn’t, your trip out with your Companion Card could end up a rollercoaster ride. Imagine your car or mobility equipment getting damaged, stolen or broken when you’re away. Or any time for that matter.

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