
How to Renew Your Disability Parking Permit

A blue sign indicating that it's a parking space only for disability parking permit holders.

Having to renew your disability parking permit can be a hassle, we know. Doing some fairly quick research beforehand can make the process much easier, so let us help you with that. This article rounds up how to do get your accessible parking permit renewal done in Australia and what you need to bring with you.

Before we get into that – you’ll likely use your permit while on holidays, right? In that case, also read the ins and outs of using your disability parking permit in another state.

Disability parking permit renewal: What you need

The documents you need to fill in and steps you need to take vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Read on to discover how to do it in your home state or territory…

Renewing your disability parking permit in New South Wales

For New South Wales, you’ll need to download and fill in the Mobility Parking Scheme Application. This includes a section filled in by your doctor, if applicable. You also need to provide your proof of identity (two if applying online) and your concession card details (if applicable).

With all that completed and ready, you’ll need to visit a Service NSW Centre. However, if you’re eligible and Transport for NSW has your photo on file, you’ll be able to replace or renew your 5-year MPS permit online.

Just take note that the photo Transport for NSW has on file must be no older than 10 and a half years. If it’s older than that, you’ll need to visit a Service NSW Centre.

Australian Capital Territory renewals

Parking permit renewals for Australian Capital Territory are all done through the act.gov.au website.

When applying for an accessible parking permit renewal you’ll need to complete this form. Note it includes a section that must be filled in by your doctor. You’ll need to confirm your identity before you can complete the transaction from there. Find more information on theย proof of identity and residencyย page.

Then you’ll hand in your completed form at any Access Canberra Service Centre or send it via email toย [email protected]. You can also post it to PO Box 582 DICKSON ACT 2602.

Access Canberra asks that you ensure your address is always up to date. This can be done via act.gov.au/accessCBR or you can contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81 to update your details before you renew.

If you need anything else, call Access Canberra or find more info here.

Close-up of Disability Permit Parking Spaces.

Renewals in the Northern Territory

For those in Northern Territory you’ll need to download the application form for disability parking permit (individual). Similarly, to most of the other states, the renewals are free of charge for permanent permit holders. But just be careful as this only counts if you reapply before, or shortly after, your permit expires.

You’ll then need to lodge your completed application in any of the following ways:

  • Email: To [email protected].
  • Post: To GPO Box 84, Darwin, NT, 0801
  • In Person: At Civic Centre, 17 Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin, NT, 0800

Queensland’s renewal process

According to the Queensland government website, you’ll be sent a notice by mail when your permit is about to expire. Around 6 weeks before your permit expires a letter will invite you to reapply for a parking permit, which will be free if your application is received within 3 months of the permit expiry date.

However, if your permit has been expired for longer, or you have a temporary permit, you’ll need to apply as a new applicant. Luckily, this is a simple process, and you can do it all online here.

If you’d prefer not to do it online, you can instead complete theย Australian disability parking permit application here and lodge your application in person to your nearestย transport and motoring customer service centre.

Or you can post your completed form to:

Department of Transport and Main Roads
Disability Parking Permit Scheme
PO Box 525
Fortitude Valley Q 4006.

To apply or renew your diasbility parking permit online, you'll need to provide a mobile phone number.

South Australia’s steps to renew your disability parking permit

You’ll find everything you need to renew your disability parking permit at www.sa.gov.au but to renew online you’ll need at your fingertips:

  • Driver licence (or client number)
  • Disability parking permit number

If you’d prefer not to complete an accessible parking permit renewal online, here are the other ways you can renew:

The new permit will take approximately two weeks to arrive in the post so make sure your postal info is up to date.

Renewals in Tasmania

In Tasmania you’ll go through the Transport Access Scheme (TAS).

First, you’ll need to download and fill out the Transport Access Scheme application, which includes your doctor completing the Medical Assessment section. If you have and would like to keep a driver’s licence, your doctor must also complete the Medical Fitness to Drive Assessment section.

Once completed, you can turn in the form:

For further information call TAS on 1300 135 513 or email passenger.transport@[email protected].

Man in a wheelchair pushes a cart towards a car in a supermarket parking lot.

Victoria’s renewal process

First know that to apply or renew your permit online, you’ll need to provide a mobile phone number. Don’t worry if you donโ€™t have one – contact your local council to assist you.

Otherwise, you can go ahead and get started on your accessible parking permit renewal here. This involves:

  • Step 1: The renewal process will ask you if you require a mobility aid and, if so, how long you’ve needed it.
  • Step 2: After that you must select the permit that looks most like your current permit.
  • Step 3: Enter the current permit and code (this is in the information panel on the front of the permit). Note if you’ve selected either Victoria Category 1 Permit or Victoria Category 2 Permit, which are both older permits, you may find your eligibility has changed.
  • Step 4: You also need to select the issuing council from the drop-down list.
  • Step 5: Enter the permit expiry date. Please note that you can only start the renewal process once there is 6 or less weeks before the permit expires.
  • Step 6: You’ll be asked if your address has changed recently; if it has, you’ll be asked to give details.
  • Step 7: Lastly you’ll need to provide your personal and contact information, including your residential address.
  • Step 8: Select how you would like the application outcome delivered – either Residential addressย or Local council for pickup.
  • Step 9: After that select if the permit holder will be aย Driver,ย Passengerย orย both.
  • Step 10: To complete your application, schedule an appointment with your GP or OT. Just remember to take the Application reference to your appointment.

All these steps are neatly listed here if you’d like to review them in more detail and with pictures.

Renew your disability parking permit in Western Australia

ACROD states that renewal notices are sent out to permit holders. So, as long as you keep your address up to date, you’ll get your notice 4 weeks before your permit expires.

Be sure to contact the ACROD team if you change your address to make sure you don’t miss your notification. This way you can just wait for your notification, which’ll give you more than enough time to renew your disability parking permit.

Happily, you have 6 months to get your accessible parking permit renewal done after it expires. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new permit. You can do that by visiting the How to Apply page, where you’ll find all the info and documents you need.

More information on your disability parking permit

At Blue Badge Insurance we like to keep ourselves abreast of all things disability parking permits. You might want to read some of our other popular articles about your permit and about accessible parking more broadly. Here are some examples:

People who use disability permit parking don't all have a visible disability.

Cheaper insurance for disability parking permits

We know most insurance companies consider disability permit parking holders to be higher risk drivers. As a specialist insurance provider, we believe the opposite to be true. In fact, we know you’re safer, lower risk drivers.

Thatโ€™s why we reward you with cheaper premiums. With Blue Badge, you can get up to 25% off on yourย disability car insurance. Plus, we offerย wheelchair insurance,ย mobility scooter insuranceย or converted car andย wheelchair accessible vehicle insurance.

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